

Friday, 27 January, 2012 Lame Quick Takes

Quick Takes – Kind Of

1. For the first time in a couple years, I didn’t go to the March For Life (St. Blogustine’s has the best pictures I’ve seen.) In order for you to understand how disappointing this is, you must know that I a) live in DC and b) had permission to take the day off from work. I had a pressing project (from my mother) that needed software only available at work and was suffering some diffidence about the effectiveness of protesting. I guess it was just as well, because my plan was to spend a chunk of Sunday night before the March at the vigil at the Shrine, only I ended up not even doing that because of feeling unwell with a topping of killer headache.

2. I did Quick Takes belatedly for last weekend – those who marched also had to brave what remained of the only snow we’ve gotten this year.

3. I guess there’s always next year. This was one of the years I really, really wanted to be back on the West Coast, though. West Coast Walk For Life coverage here. I love everything about the Walk For Life.

4. I can’t believe I’m writing this, but, I’m feeling the pull to join Twitter. Since I didn’t go to the March, I initially kept C-Span on in the background at work, so I could hear the rally (loved the Baptist (?) preacher at the end, could do without the endless political parade.) Once the rally’s over, you’re out of luck for news coverage, because almost all the media just ignores the March. (Although here’s  an article I found on the day from the Medill School of Journalism, putting the “professionals” to shame.) So I pulled up Twitter, found hashtags and kept a couple tabs open to follow the updates.

5. Consequently, I became obsessed, obsessed, with waiting to see if #marchforlife would trend on Twitter, wondering why/how #marchforlife wasn’t trending on Twitter (not even in DC!), googling to find out how topics trend, etc.

6. Because of the need to check local versus national trends, I do now in fact have a Twitter account. But I don’t really know if I would use it. Worse, I have an inkling that if I did use it, the last remaining 20% of my life not consumed by the internet would vanish. Anyone already on Twitter, feel free to tell me that isn’t true.

7. And that’s really it – nothing new or exciting happening here. I’ve been writing a bit on the side (which takes away from the blog) and haven’t really had enough energy to photos or gardening (bad, bad, need to check to the tulip bulbs languishing in the basement soon.) I don’t even have any controversy-stirring thoughts to share.

More Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.