
Friday 10 August, 2012 Quick Takes

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1. So… I missed last week’s Quick Takes because I was in Minnesota for a friend’s wedding. I’m very happy for said friend who waited a long time for this. But I think I don’t know any single people any more!

2. A couple other things I’ve missed lately:

I totally have not been watching the Olympics – I don’t own a TV – but I’ve saw snippets here and there on the televisions in the hotel, so I know it’s happening. However, I saw this story before the Games began, and all I could think was: Is Darren Nichols directing the Opening Ceremony?

3. The Chic.k-fil-a flap: I think the initial outcry and media fuss over Dan Cathy’s interview was an example of media malfeasance – an attempt by members of the news media to promote secular fascism – deceptive and despicable. Really, there should be public outcry over that kind of behavior in the media. But as for the “buycott”… I just really don’t like Ch.ick-fil-a. It’s better than KF.C, but that’s like saying Velve.eta is better than spray “cheese” (shudder.)

4. Any brave people willing to share thoughts/experiences about spiritual direction? Pretty please!

5. Back around the March for Life, I was tempted by Twitter. I never really got into it. However, I am completely taken in by Pinterest. I’ll put up a button just as soon as I figure out how to do it.

6.  A friend sent me this last week. I have a strong preference for Mac (been a user since 5th grade/the era of 8″ floppy disks), but this is angering and horrifying. Also, I feel very justified in my attachment to internet anonymity.  No real names here!

7. About that garden/picture thing: I am discovering that I am too much of a perfectionist for “after” pictures! Must. weed. a. little. more.

Find more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary


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